Lingenfelter Performance Engineering DOD Delete Blind Sealing Plugs L960225305


Lingenfelter Performance Engineering DOD Delete Blind Sealing Plugs L960225305


Buy Lingenfelter Performance Engineering DOD Delete Blind Sealing Plugs L960225305 online. Engines & Components / Engine Blocks & Accessories Oil Galley Plugs Lingenfelter Performance Engineering L960225305

Lingenfelter Performance Engineering
Manufacturer’s Part Number:
Part Type:
Oil Galley Plugs
Product Line:
Lingenfelter Performance Engineering DOD Delete Blind Sealing Plugs
Summit Racing Part Number:
Oil Galley Plug Material:
Sold as a set of 8.
Sealing plugs are used for plugging the AFM and DOD delete holes.

Lingenfelter Performance Engineering DOD Delete Blind Sealing Plugs

DOD delete blind sealing plugs are used in GM Gen IV and V V8 engine blocks that will not be using Active Fuel Management (AFM), Displacement On Demand (DOD), or the AFM/DOD lifters. To close the oil flow passages in the block and prevent a significant internal oil leak causing low oil pressure, Lingenfelter Performance Engineering DOD delete blind sealing plugs are essential. Made from high-quality M8 alloy aluminum they are built to be reliable and last.