BTR LS3 Supercharged Camshaft – 32744155

Original price was: $389.00.Current price is: $350.10.


BTR LS3 Supercharged Camshaft – 32744155

Original price was: $389.00.Current price is: $350.10.

Part Number:
32744155 Brian Tooley Racing 32744155

LS3 Centrifugal Supercharged Camshaft, specs are 22X/24X .61X”/.59X” 115+5. �This cam is easy on parts.

With 5 degrees of overlap this cam can be used in daily driver applications. �With a large blower this cam is capable of making over 1000 rwhp.

Lift approaching .650″ or more while using stock 15 degree rocker arms with too much open spring pressure can damage valve tips long term. �We recommend maximum lift of .630″ and maximum open pressure of 400 lbs when using stock rocker arms in daily driver applications.