Mr. Gasket MLS Header Gaskets (Price is Pair) – 6.2L LT1/LT4 Applications with Oval Ports – 4808G

Original price was: $44.05.Current price is: $39.65.


Mr. Gasket MLS Header Gaskets (Price is Pair) – 6.2L LT1/LT4 Applications with Oval Ports – 4808G

Original price was: $44.05.Current price is: $39.65.

Part Number:
090127009147 Mr. Gasket 4808G

Multi-Layered Steel (MLS) exhaust and header collector gaskets are designed for extreme cylinder pressures produced by high horsepower-high compression turbo-charged, supercharged and nitrous oxide injected engines.

Fits 2014 & up GM Gen V LT1/LT4 Engines
Multi Layer Stainless Steel
Oval Port 1.83″ x 2.24″
Will not deteriorate from scrubbing action caused by different expansion rates in aluminum and steel materials.
Thickness .072″
3-Layer Gasket Conforms to Header Flanges Better Than OEM 2-Layer Design